How to claim your tax credit.

Bruce Lobban - Treasurer
How to claim your tax credit.
There is no need to complete a paper form to receive refunds for donations because you can claim donation tax credits online in a myIR account, Inland Revenue's secure online service.
You’ll receive your refund much sooner.
Your receipt can be electronic receipts or photos or scans of paper receipts.
Your receipt can be uploaded anytime during the year.
You can find more information on ird.govt.nz/donations
Supporting Knox Presbyterian Church, Waitara
For those of you who are new to Knox Church and are considering joining the church as a member, you may not know that the only way our church operates (paying salaries/ wages of staff, rates, power bills and other running costs) is through money given by the member's. We call this a “free-will offering” and we ask each of you to consider prayerfully how much you can afford to give so that the church is able to meet its financial obligations.
A budget is set each year and put before the congregation for approval so that you know what our expenses are and for you to consider your response to it - “How much can I contribute towards it?”
Because we are a registered charity your contribution to the church attracts a tax credit - 33% of what you give can be claimed back through the Inland Revenue Department.
In order for this to happen, you need to obtain a number from the church treasurer so that any money given can be recorded as it is received and tallied during the year. At the end of the financial year (31st March) an official receipt is provided with the total amount you have given. You can then submit this to the IRD along with any other donations you have made to other charities for your refund.
How to give:
Internet Banking - deposit your offering/tithe into the
Knox Church General Account
TSB Waitara 15-3945-0240699-00
(Identify who it is from by using the number given to you by the treasurer.)
Envelope - put your contribution (cash or cheque) into an envelope with the number
given to you by the treasurer written on the outside so that the amount given can be
recorded. Put the envelope into the offering bag on Sunday morning when it is collected during the service.
Payroll Giving - see your employer as to how to deduct this from your wages/salary and have it directed to Knox Presbyterian Church, Waitara.
Church Treasurer - Bruce Lobban
email: lob.bg100@gmail.com